57 Inspirational Quotes About Father Which Show Why He Is The Greatest Gift From The God

Right from our birth, our father is our support system, teaching us to take steps, letting us fall so that we learn how to lift ourselves up. Even when we do not see him around we know he will be right there when we need him. He lets us be so that we can learn from our mistakes and he is also there to save us from making blunders. He is the person we can look upto at every step of our life, as we know he has come a long way in life and has an unparalleled experience.

When in any doubt we can rely on his advice and suggestion as we are sure that he will be able to give the exact solution. We may grow up but we always need him by our side and even though many a time we do not admit that, but in our hearts we know what our father means to us.

He is our real hero! When the world talks about the fictional hero, we know what a real hero looks like because we see a hero everyday of our life. He is our pillar of strength and no matter what difficulties we have in life, he is always there holding our hands to guide us through. Here is a treasure of quotes about all the lovely fathers in the world from their beloved children.

Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.

- Criss Jami

He knew only that his child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke.

- The Road, Cormac McCarthy

He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.

- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foer

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.

- Jim Valvano

I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. {His teacher was the legendary philosopher Aristotle}

- Alexander the Great

Fathers. Mothers. With all their caring and attention. They will f--- you up, every time.

- Snuff, Chuck Palahniuk

I am haunted by the ghost of my father, I think that should allow me to quote Hamlet as much as I please.

- The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern

When I was little I bragged about my firefighting father: my father would go to heaven, because if he went to hell he would put out all the fires

- My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult

My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it

- Clarence Budington Kelland

You have my whole heart. You always did. You're the best guy. You always were.

- The Road, Cormac McCarthy

The way Magnus' breath had sounded, rattling in his chest, before he'd said his father's name.

- City of Heavenly Fire, Cassandra Clare

No love is greater than that of a father for His son.

- Angels & Demons, Dan Brown

My dad had limitations. That's what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he meant no harm. It was kind of her to say, but he did do harm.

- Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn

People are supossed to aspire to become their fathers, not shudder at the thought.

- Allegiant, Veronica Roth

Mendacity is a system that we live in," declares Brick. "Liquor is one way out an'death's the other.

- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Tennessee Williams

He nodded and leaned down to kiss me. I let him, Dad be damned.

- Effortless, S.C. Stephens

You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes.

- Sr., Walter M. Schirra

Every Autumn now my thoughts return to snow. Snow is something I identify myself with. Like my father, I am a snow person.

- Charlie English

You wanted to kill your father in order to be your father yourself. Now you are your father, but a dead father.

- Sigmund Freud

He wipes tears off my face and then snot. He uses his hands. He loves me that much.

- Hold Still, Nina LaCour

Without you there would be no me. I am everything reflected in your eyes. I am everything approved by your smile. I am everything born of your guidance. I am me only because of you.

- Making Wishes: Quotes, Richelle E. Goodrich

From that point of view, I realized that my hole was not miles deep after all. My father, in fact, could stand on the bottom and it only reached up to his chest. Darkness, you know, is relative.

- My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult

Bear in mind, children, that they listen to you because you are kids—not because you are right. That's how our Father listens to us.

- Rich Mullins

You can't love your mother or father if you don't also have the capacity to grieve their deaths and, perhaps even more so, grieve parts of their lives.

- The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life, Glenn Beck

I'm bored," she said. "Learn how to tap-dance," he suggested, without turning around.

- Coraline, Neil Gaiman

Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaasla. (Nobody cares who your father was, only the father you'll be.) - Mandalorian saying

- Order 66:, Karen Traviss

I saw my father as a man, and not, as a man who was my father.

- How Green Was My Valley, Richard Llewellyn

It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons.

- Friedrich Schiller

It's rally bad when dads cry.

- Twenty Boy Summer, Sarah Ockler

Most of the time, it felt like my father and I were completely different species. Possibly literally, depending on the day and whether or not I actually qualified as human at the time.

- Every Other Day, Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Without the support from religion--remember, we talked about it--no father, using only his own resources, would be able to bring up a child.

- Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy

My father spoke with his hands. He was deaf. His voice was in his hands. And his hands contained his memories.

- Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, Myron Uhlberg

Chess is all about getting the king into check, you see. It's about killing the father. I would say that chess has more to do with the art of murder than it does with the art of war.

- The Flanders Panel, Arturo Pérez-Reverte

When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.

- William Shakespeare

A father's tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives.

- Ama H. Vanniarachchy

That porch is a happy-looking place, and my father - burdened, stoop-shouldered, cadaverously thin - doesn't seem to belong on it.

- Double Identity, Margaret Peterson Haddix

There is no teacher equal to mother and there's nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.

- World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird, Amit Ray

A father is the template of a man Nature gives a girl

- I Don't Know How She Does It: The Life of Kate Reddy, Allison Pearson

Just take me with you. Please. I cant. Please, Papa. I cant. I cant hold my son dead in my arms. I thought I could but I cant.

- The Road, Cormac McCarthy

I've only just arrived, Kate. It may surprise you to learn that you were my top priority.

- The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, Trenton Lee Stewart

In half hour my mother has managed to give me what my father couldn't: my past.

- Vanishing Acts, Jodi Picoult

Today I wonder why it is God refers to Himself as 'Father' at all. This, to me, in light of the earthly representation of the role, seems a marketing mistake.

- Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality, Donald Miller

There's no better cure for the fear of taking after one's father, than not to know who he is.

- The Counterfeiters, André Gide

[My father] loved me tenderly and shyly from a distance, and later on took a naive pride in seeing my name in print.

- Arthur Koestler

A true leader is still a leader even when he takes up servants' duty, provided he maintains a human face and added integrity to his self-retained qualities.

- Israelmore Ayivor

When you become a father, it changes you." Snorri spoke towards the fire's glow. "You see the world in new ways. Those who are not changed were not properly men to begin with.

- Prince of Fools, Mark Lawrence

A mother is always a mother, since a mother is a biological fact, whilst a father is a movable feast.

- Wise Children, Angela Carter

But my father, a thief in many ways, had robbed me of my concentration.

- For One More Day, Mitch Albom

Tough times don't define you, they refine you. ‪

- Designed For Inheritance: A Discovery of Sonship, Carlos A. Rodriguez

He lied all the time even when there was no need to lie [...] He needed a _history_, a sense of self. [Burnside on his father, p. 22]

- A Lie About My Father: A Memoir, John Burnside

Unlike Elise, who could discover parts of a person they didn't even know were absent, you specialized in tangible, but that, I feared, was only a matter of time.

- Vanishing Acts, Jodi Picoult

I decided I would go with them, but it would be at my father's house that I would eat. I would share his food, and his poverty.

- The Bandit Queen of India: An Indian Woman's Amazing Journey from Peasant to International Legend, Phoolan Devi

Your father is the only God. You can also become god but you must follow a simple rule and let that rule be made up of love.

- Santosh Kalwar

I think Dad wanted to feel the pain, to feel his body cry, an urgent reminder that he was still alive. I pretended not to notice.

- Bird of Paradise: How I Became Latina, Raquel Cepeda

You ask how it is possible to be your own father and son. You should seek answers, although it is better to anticipate some, to be the light and dream.

- The Shape, Dejan Stojanovic

Non cap�, comprese. Perch� comprendere era di pi�, era un abbraccio, era prendere con s�, era farne parte.

- Nata in una casa di donne, Cetta De Luca

من قال لك أن درب الجنة معبد بالورود؟

- قالوا, أحمد خيري العمري

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