102 Inspirational Quotes About God Which Will Re-Establish Your Faith In Him
The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent! God is the only source of light when we are shrouded with darkness and He is the only one on whose existence we believe even without seeing. We have always heard people say that the almighty will take care of everything and all we need to do is to believe in him.
There are people who say they do not believe in the entity called God and try to live a life in accordance to their whims and fancies. However, there comes a time when we cannot make sense of the happenings in our life and we feel too helpless about everything. That is the time when we understand the meaning of God and take refuge in him. There are things which cannot be explained no matter how much logic we try to put forward. Sometimes we are too caught up in life to realize our surroundings and �to even find time to pray. But this does not mean that we cannot keep in touch with God. All we need to do is be good and do good; the rest will be taken care of. Miracles do happen and rational thinking fails to explain why and how. Below are a few quotes about God which are too invigorating to skip.