52 Romantic Quotes About Husbands That Will Rekindle The Marital Relationship

We always have the inclination to generalize men in whatever they do or say. But then there comes a time when we find the man who is special in all respect and ordinary in none. We are able to see all the uniqueness in him and we feel lucky to have him by our side. This is the person we choose to spend the rest of our life with and we are certain that life cannot get better. We cannot think of a moment without this special someone and even if we claim to be self-dependent individuals, we feel lonely without him. Thus, we decide to be in an eternal bond with him and we take the wedding vows which proclaim us as husband and wife.

A husband is a person who is our best friend who knows us in and out and also understands our deepest thoughts even if we do not speak it out. He also shares his joys and sorrows with us and we are the one he finds solace in. He believes in our strengths and stands by us, encouraging us to soar high in life. Therefore, these quotes are dedicated to all the adorable husbands around the world without whom our world comes to a standstill.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

- Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

I wouldn't want to marry anybody who was wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't.

- Anne of the Island, L.M. Montgomery

I've been fighting to be who I am all my life. What's the point of being who I am, if I can't have the person who was worth all the fighting for?

- I Don't Remember You, Stephanie Lennox

If you have the woman you love, what more do you need? Well, besides an alibi for the time of her husband's murder.

- Love Quotes for the Ages. Specifically Ages 19-91., Dark Jar Tin Zoo

I was steeped in denial, but my body knew.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I know one thing about men," Bunny says with finality, leaving the room to check on A. "They never die when you want them to.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

When a woman thinks her husband is a fool, her marriage is over. They may part in one year or ten; they may live together until death. But if she thinks he is a fool, she will not love him again.

- The Other Queen, Philippa Gregory

He left a bit too easily and with obvious relief. His feet were swift and sure on the muddy path.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus.

- Timothy Keller

Her best friend was gone and nobody understood that no amount of makeup, fresh air or shopping was going to fill the hole in her heart.

- P.S. I Love You, Cecelia Ahern

Why haven't I got a husband and children?" mused Greta Garbo to the Dutchess of Windsor, "I never met a man I could marry.

- Greta Garbo

Plain women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women never are. They are always so occupied with being jealous of other women's husbands.

- Oscar Wilde

I like 'em big. And stupid. Don't tell my husband.

- Insatiable, Meg Cabot

I played possum. I did this, as the possum does, out of fear.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I travel back in time, falling back into what I know for certain, the historical data I cling to in order to not go mad, not assume I made a suicidal and well-informed error in marrying this man.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

It�s a little song about abandonment, and it goes something like this....

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

Nancy Astor: "Sir, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea." Winston Churchill: "Madame,i f you were my wife, I'd drink it!" (Exchange with Winston Churchill)

- Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor

The whole world seems tilted, my inner ear displaced by a hole where my spouse used to be.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I feel angry but not homocidal; this may be unlooked-for progress.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

They ought to do away with divorce settlements. Instead, both parties should flip a coin. The winner gets to stay where he or she is and keep everything. The loser goes to Paraguay. That�s it.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I want to own this transition, not to simply swallow the shame of it entire. I will push for every little irony.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I cook to inspire my husband to pay attention to me.

- Simple Conversation, Sonia Rumzi

A man wants too many things before marriage, but only peace after it.

- Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy, Pawan Mishra

Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another: Why can't you see who I truly am?

- Shannon L. Alder

Commitment is Circumstances

- Leju Thomas

The abandonment came, and now this shabby bacchanal.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

Flannel shirts should be outlawed for ex husbands; I realize this now. Flannel shirts are to women what crotchless panties are to men.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

You are curious and quick, you have a deft mind, and for some unaccountable reason, people tell you things -- useful things.

- Deanna Raybourn

Her Leo, so bright, so beautiful. And in the end, so catastrophically flawed.

- Not Quite a Husband, Sherry Thomas

It's a terrible thing for a man when his woman gangs up on him wi' a toad

- A Hat Full of Sky, Terry Pratchett

It's important to have a husband that lives and believes the same way you do. Otherwise, you're asking for problems.

- An Unforgivable Secret, J.E.B. Spredemann

Conversely, I though humiliation would be everything, but it�s such a nothing.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

The real genesis is forbidden to me, vis-�-vis N�s inability to confess even the mildest transgressions.

- Split: A Memoir of Divorce, Suzanne Finnamore

I'm not here to grant you the extraordinary love you never had for yourself. I'm here, on my own accord, to love you. So that when you stare into my mirror eyes, you may see how extraordinary you are.

- Kamand Kojouri

A man should be taller, older, heavier, uglier, and hoarser than his wife.

- E.W. Howe

Don't make the mistake of looking down on your partner. You're only on that pedestal because they put you up there.

- Kamand Kojouri

Unknowingly, he prepared me to survive the rest of my days with the way he shielded himself from emotional vulnerabilities that slowly destroy the rest of us.

- Write like no one is reading, Crystal Woods

Weddings have logic, but Marriages have emotions

- Dear Wife, Santosh Avvannavar

What she needs,' Tom said aloud 'is a husband.' Agnes said crisply, 'Well, she can't have mine.

- Ken Follett

Such bliss is not meant to last. In my husband's house, my children were my real gifts.

- A Disobedient Girl, Ru Freeman

Serving as the only audience for a man raised by crowds of admirers exhausted her. [...] The buried thought that he might have found comfort elsewhere was almost a comfort to her.

- Carey Wallace

A mother gives you a life, a mother-in-law gives you her life.

- Amit Kalantri

There, at her console, he dialed 594: pleased acknowledgement of husband's superior wisdom in all matters

- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick

You don't appreciate a faithful husband when you've got one,' said Tommy. 'All my friends tell me you never know with husbands,' said Tuppance. 'You have the wrong kind of friends,' said Tommy.

- Postern of Fate, Agatha Christie

I couldn't have dreamed you into existence because I didn't even know I needed you. You must have been sent to me.

- Kamand Kojouri

No. You said I looked "okay," which is petty much the same thing as saying, "Well, at least your nipples are covered.

- Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things, Jenny Lawson

Nothing humbles a beautiful woman better than not being wanted by a man whose girlfriend or wife is ugly (or not as beautiful as she is).

- Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Real men can carry carpets, Claire. Keep that in mind when looking for a husband.

- Isaac of Nineveh

I am the keeper of my husband's history.

- The Fugitive's Doctor, Deirdre-Elizabeth Parker

من قال لك أن درب الجنة معبد بالورود؟

- قالوا, أحمد خيري العمري

That which you love most will then become both your strength and your weakness.

- Criss Jami

The fact that you do not trust your spouse or lover doesn't necessarily mean that they are cheating on you; and the fact that you do doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't.

- Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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