We have often heard the phrase ‘what goes around comes around’, but did we ever think about it seriously? When put these words to thought we realize the true depth of it and then we understand what Karma means. One meaning of Karma is the deeds we do, while another perspective to it is the effect which again occurs as a result of our deeds (the cause). It is said that Karma is ruthless and when it comes to balance the deed and reward thing, it does the work quite well. Therefore, if we want to reap good fruit we have to do good, there is no other option. Sometimes, Karma hits us instantaneously, while there are times when we forget about what we did and then we see the result in front of our eyes. Be it good or bad, Karma makes sure that justice is served and it does not make any distinction between the rich or the poor, powerful or powerless. Therefore, the quotes about Karma which have been compiled below will warn you to watch out your steps before you get into the bad books of this equalizer.