30 Inspirational Quotes By Raghuram Rajan, The Rockstar Economist That Will Make You Admire Him All The More.

Raghuram Rajan is an Indian Economist who has worked with prestigious agencies like the International Monetary Fund and American Finance Association. He became one of the youngest RBI governors when he assumed office on September 4, 2013. Since then the economist has been working towards curbing inflation and stabilizing Rupee. Raghuram denied a second term as the RBI Governor and is all set to make his exit on September 4, 2016. Here are some interesting facts and trivia about 'Rockstar Rajan'.

He earned the moniker Rockstar following a slew of economic policies he introduced after assuming the helm of RBI. In his 2013-14 review of economic policies, he provided the reasoning behind the rate cuts and increase. It was a bold move as most of the analysts were not of the same view as Rajan. However, he went ahead to introduce the revised rates.

Rajan once again asserted the independence of RBI after the 2014 general elections. He did not bow to political pressure and defied the prevalent trend of rate cuts after the elections.

To help increase penetration of financial services to areas still untapped, Rajan has helped pave the way for eleven payment banks and two universal banks.

Raghuram Rajan is an Indian Economist who has worked with prestigious agencies like the International Monetary Fund and American Finance Association. He became one of the youngest RBI governors when he assumed office on September 4, 2013. Since then the economist has been working towards curbing inflation and stabilizing Rupee. Raghuram denied a second term as the RBI Governor and is all set to make his exit on September 4, 2016. Here are some interesting facts and trivia about 'Rockstar Rajan'.

He earned the moniker Rockstar following a slew of economic policies he introduced after assuming the helm of RBI. In his 2013-14 review of economic policies, he provided the reasoning behind the rate cuts and increase. It was a bold move as most of the analysts were not of the same view as Rajan. However, he went ahead to introduce the revised rates.

Rajan once again asserted the independence of RBI after the 2014 general elections. He did not bow to political pressure and defied the prevalent trend of rate cuts after the elections.

To help increase penetration of financial services to areas still untapped, Rajan has helped pave the way for eleven payment banks and two universal banks.

Not taking risks one doesn't understand is often the best form of risk management.

- Raghuram Rajan

It is not because of the benevolence of the baker that we eat fresh bread every morning but because of his desire to make money.

- Raghuram Rajan

We expect India to grow at around 7 to 7.5 % in calendar year 2006.

- Raghuram Rajan

Higher oil prices are a clear and present danger.

- Raghuram Rajan

People associate inflation targeting somewhat wrongly with rigidity. His theme as an academic was how to depersonalize this whole process.

- Raghuram Rajan

Oil is affecting inflation; it is slowly creeping up in the United States and we're seeing rising producer prices,

- Raghuram Rajan

As a result, the oil price-induced imbalances are likely to be with us for some time.

- Raghuram Rajan

Some revenue-raising measures had to be considered after Hurricane Katrina ... but we believe some of those measures are optimistic.

- Raghuram Rajan

It is always a concern when an important institution like the Bank of Italy comes under some uncertainty.

- Raghuram Rajan

The Fed will be watchful and will likely continue the process of increasing interest rates in the near term.

- Raghuram Rajan

The U.S. and China are running on processes which in the long run are unsustainable. Oil prices are proving an increasing strain on growth.

- Raghuram Rajan

If the economy turns down we may have more severe credit problems.

- Raghuram Rajan

The world economy has proved tremendously resilient over the last few years.

- Raghuram Rajan

If India doesn't create the necessary infrastructure, it will hurt growth. India must take strong political steps to free up resources for investment.

- Raghuram Rajan

We see a shifting of global growth away from the United States to other countries. Whether it's enough is still for the jury to decide. The jury is still out.

- Raghuram Rajan

The worry is how long will this continue.

- Raghuram Rajan

These things are not infinite. At some point, they come to an end.

- Raghuram Rajan

We have commented earlier, in the last World Economic Outlook, on the somewhat muted investment all over the world, especially in emerging markets.

- Raghuram Rajan

They may have to work harder in order to keep [inflation expectations] anchored.

- Raghuram Rajan

House prices can't increase at the rate in which they have been going over the past few years.

- Raghuram Rajan

If you actually see price declines...you could see even greater effects.

- Raghuram Rajan

It's in the world's interests that India develop its nuclear power. To the extent that nuclear power has become safer over time, it is in India's interests to use this source.

- Raghuram Rajan

I think it's feasible, very feasible to see 10 percent growth rates. I don't think 10 percent is over-optimistic.

- Raghuram Rajan

It would be fair to say to the world, 'You have never had it so good. But challenges are building in the background.

- Raghuram Rajan

Oil and other commodity prices are going to have some effect over time.

- Raghuram Rajan

Decision by consensus is inherently conservative.

- Raghuram Rajan

It would be fair to say the world has never had it so good.

- Raghuram Rajan

By focusing only on jobs and inflation—and, in effect, only on the former— the Fed behaved myopically, indeed politically.

- Raghuram Rajan

Excessive rural credit was one of the important causes of bank failure during the Great Depression.

- Raghuram Rajan

A book is almost always a collective effort, even if it has only a single author.

- Raghuram Rajan

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