73 Motivational Quotes By Chetan Bhagat Whose Five Point Someone Has Changed The Literary Scenario In India

From Five Point Someone to a reality show judge, Chetan Bhagat is now a household name and has influenced many youngsters to follow their dream, breaking the stereotype. Before becoming one of the best known story-tellers of India, this man had worked as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs.

We say, he has helped break stereotype, but how did he do that? Well, many people might not know that he has graduated from IIT as a mechanical engineer, and then earned an MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad. When a majority of people would have had a lavish and secured life, he chose to leave a stable career and dabble with writing.

Even in his personal life he followed his heart, and when caste and linguistic barrier decide the marital fate of people, he belonging to a Punjabi family, married his ladylove who is Tamil. The story of his novel, Two States, is somewhat like an autobiography, and we are sure this has changed the perception about inter-caste marriage and brought in some change.

While his work has been criticized by many, his written work has inspired many, and his name appeared on Time’s list of World’s 100 Most Influential People 2010. Thus, we have a lot to learn from him and what better than his quotes to motivate us.

The world's most sensible person and the biggest idiot both stay within us. The worst part is, you can't even tell who is who.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Jealousy is a rather enjoyable emotion to watch.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Pretty girls behave best when you ignore them. Of course, they have to know you are ignoring them, for otherwise they may not even know you exist.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Why should any guy want to be only friends with a girl? Its like agreeing to be near a chocolate cake and never eat it. Its like sitting in a racing car but not driving it.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

How can such scary looking parents create something so cute?

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

The word future and females is a dangerous combination.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

When a woman comes into your life, things organize themselves.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Don't be serious, be sincere.

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

From biscuit to brides, if there is anything their children really want, parents have a problem.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

A wise man can be a fool in love.

- Chetan Bhagat

The pretty girl is always right.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Rules, after all, are only made so you can work around them

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Sometimes life is not about what u want to do but what u ought to do

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

Forgiving doesn't make the person who hurt you feel better, it makes you feel better.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

The worlds most sensible person and the biggest idiot both stay within you. The worst part is you cant even tell who is who.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Nothing soothes an upset Punjabi like dairy products.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

The world's most funniest and easiest thing is to give an advice...

- Chetan Bhagat

In relationship there are always two types of person: one weaker and the other stronger one. It's never easier to live being as weaker one!

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

Stupid people go to college but"smart people own them"....

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

...but I guess it's better for people to shut up rather than rather than say something nasty. -ONE NIGHT @ THE CALL CENTER Chapter 1 page 22

- Chetan Bhagat

Certificates from top US universities adorned the walls like tiger head in a hunters home.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Preety girls behave best when you ignore them

- Chetan Bhagat


- The 3 Mistakes of My Life, Chetan Bhagat

Be so busy Improving your self that you have no time to criticize others.

- Chetan Bhagat

The world's most sensible person and the biggest idiot both stay within us.

- Chetan Bhagat

Because knowledge is not for showing off. If I do good work, people should notice me.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

I m human, I m not perfect. Although, I make mistakes all the time.

- Chetan Bhagat

Don't be serious,be sincere...

- Chetan Bhagat

We sat on the floor for dinner. Ananya's father passed me a banana leaf. I wondered if i had to eat it or wipe my hands with it.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

There are two ways of spreading light to be candle,or the mirror that reflects it.

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

The world's most sensible and the most idiotic person lies within us.. the worst part is we can't say who is who

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Pretty girls behave better when you ignore them.

- Chetan Bhagat

Don't quit. It will happen one day.

- Half Girlfriend, Chetan Bhagat

Sometimes, when nobody is by your side, you have to become your own cheering squad.

- Chetan Bhagat

Pardon the hurt others have caused you.What they did is past.What is bothering today are your current feelings that comes from this load.Let it go.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Losers, even if they do not have a brain,have a heart.

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

Make New FrNdS But Keep D oLd , One iS silVer The Other is Gold.

- Chetan Bhagat

We know we are all tarnished, so we doubt everyone else too. It is sad situation, where we need a leader but cannot really trust anyone.

- What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat

The missed call and call back drama between men and women deserves its own user mannual.

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

Life will never change we should select new things and move on

- Chetan Bhagat

Tamilians love to irritate non-Tamil speakers by speaking in Tamil only.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Marble flooring is to a Punjabi what a foreign degree is to a Tamilian

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

It is only when one writes a book that one realizes the true power of MSWord, from grammar checks to replace-alls.

- Five Point Someone, Chetan Bhagat

She is too intelligent to be a good daughter-in-law

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Work hard, but make time for you love, family and friends. Nobody remembers powerpoint presentations on your final day

- Chetan Bhagat

Life is a bitch when the only woman you can think of belongs to someone else.

- Chetan Bhagat

How can God give girls so much power ? How can they turn productive,busy and ambitious men into a wilting mass of uselessness. Page 204

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

I feel everyone who has a chance should step out of India for a while to really see what it is like out there.

- What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat

We have no hope if we cannot prove uncle cynic wrong.

- Chetan Bhagat

Most people who own colleges in India haven't. Stupid people go to college. Smart people own them,

- Revolution 2020, Chetan Bhagat

That's what human relationships are about &ndash selective sharing and hiding of information to the point of crazy confusion.

- Revolution 2020, Chetan Bhagat

I thought about my [Punjabi] family. The only nakshatram we think about is the division of petrol pumps when we have to see the girl.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

It's not arrogance. [Tamilians] are quiet people.

- 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

Smoke is beautiful weightless and shapeless, it almost appears as deceptively powerless as the person releasing it, yet, it comes from within and rises above us all. Crap,

- Five Point Someone, Chetan Bhagat

When you screw someone's life, the least you can do is leave the person alone.

- Chetan Bhagat

Girls never tell you anything straight out anyway. You have to interpolate and extrapolate their responses to figure out whats on their mind.

- Half Girlfriend, Chetan Bhagat

Girlfriends come and go but, thank God, mothers dont break up with you.

- Half Girlfriend, Chetan Bhagat

Don't be serious , be sincere

- Revolution 2020: Love, Chetan Bhagat

Is fun to see educated people shout and belittle other educated people!

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

There are things some people can never understand.there's no point to telling them.

- Chetan Bhagat

Societies that value excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship and integrity do well.

- What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat

Done it. However, just prior to the teacher's arrival, someone had a brainwave. He planted a Diwali bomb with a

- What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat

Dont fall in love with her again, a voice within me warned. You never fell out of love with her, another voice countered with an evil laugh.

- Half Girlfriend, Chetan Bhagat

Dress down. Charisma comes from integrity, competence and compassion. Not from expensive clothes.

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

Shocked, the teacher rushed out and brought back the headmistress. Throughout the rest of the period, both of them tried to figure out who set off the bomb and gave us lectures on our rowdy behaviour.

- What Young India Wants, Chetan Bhagat

I think half the trees in the world are felled to make up the IIT entrance exam guides. Most of them are crap,

- Five Point Someone, Chetan Bhagat

This is not a story. There is no romance in here, nor are there page-turning, thrilling moments. Rather, this book is about a dream both you and I share&mdashto make India a better place.

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

In cigarettes, we have pictures of blackened lungs on the packs. But packets of potato chips dont bear the picture of an obese heart patient, right?

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

If a father buys his child toffees instead of books for school, it may make for a happy child. But does it make a good father?

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

In an Indian love marriage, by the time everyone gets on board, one wonders if there is any love left.

- Two States: The Story of My Marriage, Chetan Bhagat

No statues, please. School or statue? Hospital or statue? No need to explain further.

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

A bad boss is like a disease of the soul.

- One Night @ the Call Center, Chetan Bhagat

After a long time, we have had a stable mandate at the top. If the BJP blows this opportunity, it will set India back by a decade.

- Making India Awesome, Chetan Bhagat

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