17 Inspirational Quotes By Kiran Desai, The Writer Of Inheritance Of Loss, That Will Bring To Limelight The Story Which Often Remains Untold.

Kiran Desai is an award winning Indian author and daughter of eminent novelist Anita Desai. She won the Man Booker Prize for her second novel Inheritance of Loss which dwelled on the themes of colonization and its after effects.
Upon receiving the news that her book has been nominated for the prestigious award, she rushed to the nearest Barnes and Nobel to pick up the books of the remaining finalists. But to her dismay none of the books were there, including hers. She arrived in London a few days prior to the award ceremony and finally got the chance to meet the fellow nominees.
When she was named the winner Kiran recalls, "I was very surprised. I was very surprised. I don't think you can ever expect to win.
"Was I last? Second last? It's so funny really, isn't it? Suddenly you are a horse, and friends are calling up saying, 'Eat your oats and apples and don't break your leg or a hoof!'"
Desai recounted another incident when she was asked if she would decline the award as it was commonwealth prize, as her book dealt with colonization. To this she answered, 'I'm not crazy!' It's also a hedge fund, so you have big-business qualms about that. There's all kinds of reasons to turn it down."
When questioned if she ever contemplated doing it, she answers, "Nooo! NO! Because you can drag that ethical dilemma into every single aspect of your life - and that is very much what my book is about. You are unable to make any kind of rule, really, without it being messy and mixed up with the rest of the world, and mixed up with sad and difficult things. Would I buy this sweater? Where is it made? It's by someone poor in China and someone horrible is making money out of it. Am I going to eat this bit of fruit picked by whom? It infects every single thing. But I stand by the book's ethical sense, and it's a book that certainly says the opposite of many things that flags stand for."
Here are a few inspirational quotes from the exceptionally talented writer herself.

The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Could fulfillment ever be felt as deeply as loss?

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Sadness was so claustrophobic.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

All day, the colors had been those of dusk, mist moving like a water creature across the great flanks of mountains possessed of ocean shadows and depths.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Why couldn't she be part of that family? rent a room in someone else's life.

- Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Never again would he know love for a human being that wasn't adulterated by another, contradictory emotion.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

A journey once begun, has no end

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

You can catch more flies with honey than with sour milk

- Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard, Kiran Desai

Could fulfillment be felt as deeply as loss.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Jemu watched his father disappear. He didn't throw the coconut and he didn't cry. Never again would he know love for another human being that wasn't adulterated by another, contradictory emotion.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

Don't be scared, puppy dog, little frog, little duck, duckie dog. It's just rain.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

He tried to keep on the right side of power, tried to be loyal to so many things that he himself couldn't tell which one of his selves was the authentic, if any.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

But the child shouldn't be blamed for the father's crime, she tried to reason with herself, then. But should the child therefore also enjoy the father's illicit gain?

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

His lines had been honed over centuries, passed down through generations, for poor people needed certain lines the script was always the same, and they had no option but to beg for mercy.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

No fruit dies so vile and offensive a death as the banana...

- Kiran Desai

He seemed unaware of what was going on, stared out without hope or ambition, without worry, developing a quality devoid of qualities to get him through this life.

- The Inheritance of Loss, Kiran Desai

The Himalayas rose layer upon layer until those gleaming peaks proved a man to be so small that it made sense to give it all up, empty it all out.

- Kiran Desai

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