20 Inspirational Quotes By Vinod Khosla, The Co-Founder Of Sun Microsystems, Which Will Dispel Your Fears Of Failure.

Vinod Khosla is an American businessman of Indian origin who co-founded Sun Microsytems, Inc. The company was responsible for development of Java programming language, Solaris Unix and the Network File System.
The billionaire has also been a part of many other businesses like the venture capital firm Khosla Ventures. As co-founder of The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), Khosla engages in training entrepreneurs. His go to mantra for budding businesses is that only a willingness to fail will help us develop an ability to succeed. Here's an incident when the business conglomerate speaks about success and failures.
Speaking to group of aspiring entrepreneurs, Khosla asked, "How many people here know a company called Sun Microsystems? How many people here know a company called the Data Dump? Not a single hand. "
Then he went on to explain, "My point is the following, McNeiley and I started Sun - everybody knows the company. We also three months before we started a company called the Data Dump. That failed. Nobody remembers failures. In fact my point is success matters. Failure is inconsequential - yet what I hear most people do is not do things because they are afraid of failure.
"People's fear of failure restricts them from doing most of what they can do. I like to say most people are limited by what they think they can do not by what they can do."
Here's a collection of inspiring quotes by Vinod Khosla.

By 2025, 80 percent of the functions doctors do will be done much better and much more cheaply by machines and machine learned algorithms,

- Vinod Khosla

Your cellphone has 10 sensors, and your car has 400. But your body has none - that's going to change.

- Vinod Khosla

We humans think linearly but tech trends are exponential.

- Vinod Khosla

Oil replacements and then efficiencies in engines and housing and the way we build houses is a very interesting market.

- Vinod Khosla

Spreadsheets are fiction. Believing in what you're doing and what you're building is what's important.

- Vinod Khosla

It doesn't matter what your probability of failure is. If there's a 90% chance of failure, there's a 10% chance of changing the world.

- Vinod Khosla

One of the best things data can enable us to do is to ask questions we didn't know to ask.

- Vinod Khosla

Success comes to those that dare to dream dreams and are foolish enough to try and make them come true.

- Vinod Khosla

An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true.

- Vinod Khosla

Electric cars are coal-powered cars. Their carbon emissions can be worse than gasoline-powered cars. 

- Vinod Khosla

Any problem is an opportunity. The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity.

- Vinod Khosla

In the next 10 years, data science and software will do more for medicine than all of the biological sciences together.

- Vinod Khosla

We like to say at Khosla Ventures, and this is one of the reasons to do what we do, we'll take technical risks that nobody else will. 

- Vinod Khosla

The only way you multiply resources is with technology. To really affect poverty, energy, health, education, or anything else - there is no other way. 

- Vinod Khosla

I'm not a political person. I'm a techie nerd, and I enjoy the techie part. I mean, all my life, I've loved great technology. 

- Vinod Khosla

I'm a fiscal hawk. I vote against all taxes, but I do believe the environment, and climate change, is a bigger issue than fiscal deficits are as a risk to the nation. 

- Vinod Khosla

The U.S. has fallen well behind Europe in recognizing climate change and the implications of climate change. 

- Vinod Khosla

If everyone played it safe, we wouldn't get anywhere. 

- Vinod Khosla

I've probably failed more often than anybody else in Silicon Valley. Those don't matter. I don't remember the failures. You remember the big successes. 

- Vinod Khosla

Everybody else is afraid to fail. I do not really care because when I fail, I try something new. 

- Vinod Khosla

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