37 Enthralling Quotes By Aishwarya Rai Which Will Fuel You To Chase Your Goals

Beauty with brains, this is what defines Aishwarya Rai! She has made India proud by winning the Miss World contest and even as an actor she ruled Bollywood, having her fair share of fame. However, it is not only the looks that she is made up of, but she also has a brain which adds to her charms.

At the Miss World contest when she was asked how she will continue to live on this earth even after her death, she replied she will live through her eyes, which she will donate. With this answer, she stole our hearts.

She is skilled in acting, no doubt about it, but very few know that she is also trained in Bharatanatyam, Hindustani Classical music and Carnatic music. From modelling to Bollywood, life has unfolded itself with pleasant surprises but she too has�worked hard to reach where she is today. Therefore, she has been moulded by experience and when she speaks it becomes a statement, providing us with zeal to do what we love to do.

She is now a mother and for her this role is the top priority in life. Without much ado, take a look at her words which are as captivating as her eyes.

Of the 100 people, you meet every day, at least ten are bound to dislike you. You live and learn, you can’t please everyone.

- Aishwarya Rai

I’m a mix of a tomboy and a woman. And I like it that way.

- Aishwarya Rai

I'm just an average woman with average concerns.

- Aishwarya Rai

Do men still say, “I love you” and want to marry you as soon as they set eyes on you?

- Aishwarya Rai

I come from a secure family, I have parents who are like caring friends, we share a grrrrreat open-relationship.

- Aishwarya Rai

Those who interact with me, tell me, “But we thought you were so unreal.

- Aishwarya Rai

Even if I end up being a housewife, I’ll give it my 100 per cent. I’ll be the best housewife in the whole wide world. That I promise.

- Aishwarya Rai

Just because one is an actress doesn’t mean you don’t want a personal life.

- Aishwarya Rai

Language is not the barrier for good cinema.

- Aishwarya Rai

My directors have been wonderful. They have never treated me like a newcomer.

- Aishwarya Rai

We grow during the making of a film, from day to day.

- Aishwarya Rai

I know when I’m in love, I’ll give it my all.

- Aishwarya Rai

I’m not an Indian wannabe.

- Aishwarya Rai

I have to learn to be light on myself. I could be really disappointed and hurt by what is said about me.

- Aishwarya Rai

I just know there is God. He has strange ways of charting things in my life.

- Aishwarya Rai

You give to the world your greatest gift when you’re being yourself.

- Aishwarya Rai

I’m just average woman with average concerns.

- Aishwarya Rai

Being a mother is a full time job on its own. To be able to juggle more than one thing at a time takes a lot of planning and family support

- Aishwarya Rai

Life may be one BIG drama, and we, character in it…. But….LIVE IT…..Every moment in it

- Aishwarya Rai

I really don't work to a plan, but I just do what interests me and what I like to do. 

- Aishwarya Rai

Sexy in India is not considered positive. But, with today's crop of fresh faces in the modelling arena, being sexy is an asset.

- Aishwarya Rai

Right now, I'm following the Buddhist principle: Smile as abuse is hurled your way and this too shall pass.

- Aishwarya Rai

I have always been a person who is extremely comfortable in my skin. I have always just been myself in all these years on the public platform. 

- Aishwarya Rai

I'm not the type who'll yell about my achievements from the rooftops.

- Aishwarya Rai

The more you are blessed with experience, the fuller and the more enriched you are in your craft.

- Aishwarya Rai

I always knew I would be successful. So there was no element of surprise.

- Aishwarya Rai

I just take on what I can commit to completely at that point in time, and that way you'll be able to give your best.

- Aishwarya Rai

I know for a fact that if there's a role which I am suited for, I'll be signed on. I'll never go begging.

- Aishwarya Rai

My values are proper and middle-class. And I’m proud of them.

- Aishwarya Rai

I am really OK with the way I look. It's fine. All this is transient. I mean, it's really, you know, it changes with time, and that's the external.

- Aishwarya Rai

I like to be human and not lose myself in becoming a mannequin, which people in showbiz are accused of.

- Aishwarya Rai

My reason for choosing a film is not to impress people. I don’t choose films for the box office.

- Aishwarya Rai

Life is a stage, and we are all characters. So play your part and play it well!

- Aishwarya Rai

I know for a fact that some heroines actually cried when they weren’t approached for Sooraj Barjatya’s film.

- Aishwarya Rai

There are only 365 days in a year and there’s only this much work that I can do.

- Aishwarya Rai

I relate to men almost in an asexual manner. I’ve never been violently attracted to a guy at first sight.

- Aishwarya Rai

My family is my strength and my weakness.

- Aishwarya Rai

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