30 Inspirational Quotes By Jaswant Singh, The Indian Politician, Which Will Inspire You To Abide By The Right Always.

Jaswant Singh is a former soldier of the Indian Army, and politician from India. He began his political career with the Bharatiya Janta Party and has been in charge of several important portfolios including Finance, External Affairs and Defence.
During his tenure as the Minister of External Affairs, Singh maintained a stern attitude towards neighboring Pakistan, in the face of growing tensions between th two countries.
His stellar financial policies and market friendly reforms made him the recipient of prestigious 'Outstanding Parliamentarian Award'.
Singh has witnessed his fair share of controversies, primarily because of his rigid political beliefs.
In 2009, the politician courted controversy after the release of his book 'Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence.' His praise of separatist leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the book led to his expulsion from BJP, though he was readmitted later in 2010.
In 2014, when he was denied a party ticket, Singh filed nominations for the Lok Sabha parliamentary elections as an independent candidate. His refusal to withdrawal of his nomination caused his removal from the party.
The leader has been in coma after suffering from a head injury in 2014
The following segment brings to you a collection of motivational quotes by the exceptional leader.

Let us see what difference there is between his utterances and his actions.

- Jaswant Singh

When the need arises, the two militaries can engage in dialogue through existing established channels so that the de-escalation process is properly handled,

- Jaswant Singh

There would be a similar need to address other organizations targeting India, as also the parent organizations that spawned them,

- Jaswant Singh

For the sake of parity of representation between the two countries, the high commissioner of Pakistan who is currently in India will be required to returned to Islamabad,

- Jaswant Singh

The hijackers had earlier said there would be no deadline, and there is no deadline from the hijackers,

- Jaswant Singh

It is saddening to note that for the first time in the history of the country the Minister for External Affairs has been asked to step down.

- Jaswant Singh

We have appealed to the hijackers to at least let the children, along with their mothers come out of the aircraft. They have not acceded to our demand,

- Jaswant Singh

The interests of the two countries (the US and India) need not converge all the time.

- Jaswant Singh

Questioning it now is an ingenious attempt to find ex post justification for the intrusion. This is unacceptable.

- Jaswant Singh

If there was any preparation it was from India's side,

- Jaswant Singh

Other than sitting and talking to Pakistan, we can't do much more,

- Jaswant Singh

Clearly, globalization is no panacea,

- Jaswant Singh

But what the South has gained in the wake of these changes is not so encouraging,

- Jaswant Singh

Democracy helps countries to strengthen their identity, promotes internal cohesion and the ability to withstand pressures unleashed by globalization,

- Jaswant Singh

This was not a matter for any international initiative or intervention.

- Jaswant Singh

Vigilant in our defense of democracy and constitutional government.

- Jaswant Singh

We will revert shortly to the government of Pakistan with alternative dates,

- Jaswant Singh

This summit has set the tone for future relations with Pakistan, ... The caravan of peace has continued its march and on some auspicious day it will reach its destination.

- Jaswant Singh

The government's priority remains the earliest termination of this hijacking and the earliest return of the passengers, crew and aircraft,

- Jaswant Singh

We will pick up the threads from the visit of the president of Pakistan. We will increasingly endeavor to revise the vision of the relationship of peace, friendship and cooperation with Pakistan,

- Jaswant Singh

We will send an appropriate response through our negotiating team,

- Jaswant Singh

We do not believe that bilateral relations between India and Pakistan ought to or can be held hostage by any single issue,

- Jaswant Singh

When you journey by bus, you are attempting to relate to the common man and woman,

- Jaswant Singh

The government shares the anguish expressed in the motion, ... we should pass the motion unanimously and work together to meet the challenges.

- Jaswant Singh

We have never said we are absolved of our responsibility,

- Jaswant Singh

Of course, we have entirely sympathized with the victims and our condolences go with the families and relatives of those who have been affected by this.

- Jaswant Singh

These soldiers were tortured and subjected to torture repeatedly,

- Jaswant Singh

The United Nations does not claim intermediary or a negotiating role,

- Jaswant Singh

Examine all options and take action at an appropriate time.

- Jaswant Singh

We will continue to operate with maximum restraint. We are a responsible member of the international community and we shall continue to be so,

- Jaswant Singh

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